
WOD 30/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 15: 15/14/13/12/11/10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 Cal. Row air squats american swings HR push ups

WOD 27/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 3: 5 burpee deadlifts 10/8 cal.assault bike REST 1'min. AMRAP 5: 5 burpee deadlifts 10/8 cal.assault bike 20 muscle snatches REST 2'min. AMRAP 7: 5 burpee deadlifts 10/8 cal.assault bike 20 muscle snatches 40 double unders

WOD 26/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD For Max Reps: 3'min.wall balls 3'min.of rowing for calories 3'min. REST 2'min.wall balls 2'min.of rowing for calories 2'min.REST 1'min.wall balls 1'min.of rowing for calories

WOD 25/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD HERO WOD "RANKEL" AMRAP 20: 6 deadlift (100/70) 7 burpee - pull up 10 ameri8can swings 200m Run

WOD 24/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 5 Rounds For Time: 20 barbell push press 20 sit ups

WOD 23/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 100 wall balls *at the top of every minute,complete 10 alt.db snatches -target time: sub 10 min. -time cap.: 12 min. ACCESSORY WORK (optional) 3 sets of db Russian Twists to failure -rest 60'sec between sets-

WOD 20/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: Complete 300 reps in any rep scheme or order you like using only these 3 movements: Barbell push press Rowing calories Burpees

WOD 19/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 3: 10 american kb swings 10 cal.assault bike -rest 1'min.- Repeat for total 5 Rounds *Round 1: As written above  Round 2: 10 air squat+10 cal.Row Round 3: As written above  Round 4: 10 air squat+10 cal.Row Round 5: As written above

WOD 18/10/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD   FOR TIME: 6 Rounds: 6 deadlift 6 wall ball 6 box jumps -immediately into.. 5 Rounds: 5 deadlift 5 wall ball 5 box jumps -immediately into.. 4 Rounds: 4 deadlift 4 wall ball 4 box jumps *time cap.15'min.

WOD 17/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 15: 3 Rounds: 15 toes to bar 5 devil press immediately into, 3 Rounds: 10 toes to bar 3 devil press immediately into, 3 Rounds: 5 toes to bar 1 devil press -rem.time MAX double unders (OR single)

WOD 16/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 10 pull ups (OR banded pull ups) 20 cal.air bike 10 pull ups 30 air squat 20 cal.air bike 10 pull ups 40 sit ups 30 air squat 20 cal.air bike 10 pull ups 50 push ups 40 sit ups 30 air squat 20 cal. air bike 10 pull ups *time cap.18'min.

WOD 13/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 75 push jerk *every minute  on the minute complete 8 american kb swings *time cap.9'min.

WOD 12/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 5 Rounds: 90" sec. AMRAP :  10 front squats 10 burpees over the bar MAX cal. assault bike *rest 90" sec.after each round

WOD 11/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD "CARDIO WEDNESDAY" FOR TIME: 1 mile run 2000m row 50 burpees to 6 inch target *target time.: 20'min. *time cap.: 25'min.

WOD 10/10/23

FITNESS + INTRO. WOD AMRAP 15: 500m ski (OR 500m row) 12 dumbell box step ups 10 dumbell power cleans *each 10m of the row/ski = 1 rep *target rounds: 2+ 

WOD 09/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 500m Row 75 air squat 500m Row 75 air squat 500m Row *target time: 9' min. *time cap.: 11' min.

WOD 06/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 2 sets: 3 Rounds of: 10 burpees over bar 10 deadlift -rest 2'min. b/t sets- *target time each :12 minutes *time cap each set : 15 minutes

WOD 05/10/23

  FOR TIME: 50 toes to bar 40 wall balls 30 push ups 20 strict pull ups (or banded) 10 DB snatch (10 each side) *Target time: sub.10 min. *Time cap. 13'min.

WOD 04/10/23


WOD 03/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 6 Rounds For Time: 10 toes to bar  15 cal.Row 20 american kb swings

WOD 02/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 3 Rounds: 50 air squat 15 pull ups 10 hang power clean   *target time: 8-10 min. *time cap.: 12 min.

WOD 29/09/23

FITNESS + INTRO WOD   PARTNER WORKOUT FOR TIME: 400 box step ups *every 2:00 min. (including 0:00) perform  4 Power Cleans (each athlete) *split all box step up reps as needed   Target Time: sub 16' minutes Time Cap: 20 minutes