FITNESS + INTRO WOD FOR TIME: 30 Pull ups OR 45 banded pull ups 30 toes to bar OR 45 hanging knee raises -every time you break complete 100ft single dumbell overhead walking lunges (15/7,5 kg)
FITNESS + INTRO WOD "Flex Friday" -Barbell Hip Thrusts 3 x 12 REST 90"sec. -Db Bench Press 3x12 REST 90"sec. -Single arm Db Bent Over Row 3 x 12(each arm) REST 90"sec. -Alternating DB Shoulder Press 3 x 20(10 each) REST 90"sec. -Barbell Bicep Curls 3 x 15-20 REST 90"sec. -50 GHD sit ups OR 75 V-ups
FITNESS + INTRO WOD 10 Rounds for time: 3 double db hang cleans 4 double db hang snatches 5 double db thrusters 6 double db push press *time cap.18'min.
FITNESS + INTRO WOD 5 Rounds: 40"sec. of assault bike 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of db deadlifts 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of single unders 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of pull ups/ring row 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of incline db bench press 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of weighted sit ups 20"sec.Rest
FITNESS + INTRO WOD FOR TIME: 5 Rnds: 5 toes to bar 5 wall ball 5 american kb swings 4 Rnds: 6 Toes to bar 6 wall ball 6 american kb swings 3 Rnds: 7 Toes to bar 7 wall ball 7 american kb swings 2 Rnds: 8 Toes to bar 8 wall ball 8 american kb swings 1 Rnd: 9 Toes to bar 9 wall ball 9 american kb swings
FITNESS + INTRO WOD Every 3min. x 6 Rounds: 10 cal.row 10 american swings 10 wall ball 10 toes to bar / sit ups *add 1 rep each round to each movement. So,round 2 would be 11 of everything.. then,12... and so on..
FITNESS + INTRO WOD "CARDIO WEDNESDAY" Every 7min. x 5 Rounds: 500m Row 150 single unders 5 deadlifts (climbing) *Start with a deadlift weight of around 50%-60% of your 1 Rep Max and then build each round
FITNESS + INTRO WOD AMRAP 4: 25/20 cal. assault bike 20 double db hang cleans -rem.time MAX db push press REST 2'min. AMRAP 4: 25 db push press 20/15 cal.assault bike -rem.time MAX double db hang clean REST 2'min. AMRAP 4: 25 double db hang clean 20 db push press -rem.time MAX cal.assault bike *SCORE is all your total max reps combined
FITNESS + INTRO WOD 12'min. ascending Ladder.. 3 wall ball 3 power snatches 3 box jumps 6 wall ball 6 power snatches 6 box jumps ....then,9 of everything ....then,12 of everything ....continually increasing by 3 reps for as many reps as possible!