
WOD 31/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 30 Pull ups OR 45 banded pull ups 30 toes to bar OR 45 hanging knee raises -every time you break complete  100ft single dumbell overhead walking lunges (15/7,5 kg)

WOD 28/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD "Flex Friday" -Barbell Hip Thrusts 3 x 12  REST 90"sec.  -Db Bench Press 3x12  REST 90"sec. -Single arm Db Bent Over Row 3 x 12(each arm)   REST 90"sec. -Alternating DB Shoulder Press 3 x 20(10 each)   REST 90"sec. -Barbell Bicep Curls 3 x 15-20  REST 90"sec. -50 GHD sit ups  OR  75 V-ups

WOD 27/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 20 Rounds For Time: 3 burpee deadlifts (50/35) 4 alternating lunges (50/35) 5 pull ups  *time cap.15'min.

WOD 26/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD "CARDIO WEDNESDAY" 0'-5'min. 750m Row 20 wall balls 5'-10'min. 3 Rounds: 10 burpees 50 single unders 10'-15-min. 50 box step ups (50/40) *single DB on shoulder 15'-20'min. 750m Row 20 wall ball 20'-25'min. 3 Rounds: 10 burpees 50 single unders 25'-30'min. 50 box step ups (50/40) *single DB on shoulder 30'-35'min. 750m Row 20 wall ball

WOD 25/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 3: 10/7 cal.Row 10 american kb swings 10 push press -rest 1'min.- AMRAP 5: 15/12 cal.Row 15 american kb swings 15 push press -rest 1'min.- AMRAP 7: 20/15 cal.Row 20 american kb swings 20 push press

WOD 24/07/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 15: 1 deadlift 1 round "CINDY" 2 deadlift 1 round "CINDY" 3 deadlift 1 round "CINDY" ...workout ends as 10 deadlifts and 1 last round of "CINDY" * "CINDY" = 5 pull ups,10 push ups,15 squats

WOD 21/07/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 1000m Row 50 thrusters (20/15kg) 30 burpees over bar

WOD 20/07/23

FITNESS   + INTRO  WOD 10 Rounds for time: 3 double db hang cleans 4 double db hang snatches 5 double db thrusters 6 double db push press *time cap.18'min.

WOD 19/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 5 Rounds: 40"sec. of assault bike 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of db deadlifts 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of single unders 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of pull ups/ring row 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of incline db bench press 20"sec.Rest 40"sec. of weighted sit ups 20"sec.Rest

WOD 18/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 5 Rnds: 5 toes to bar 5 wall ball 5 american kb swings 4 Rnds: 6 Toes to bar 6 wall ball 6 american kb swings 3 Rnds: 7 Toes to bar 7 wall ball 7 american kb swings 2 Rnds: 8 Toes to bar 8 wall ball 8 american kb swings 1 Rnd: 9 Toes to bar 9 wall ball 9 american kb swings

WOD 17/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 50-40-30-20-10 Calorie Row 10-20-30-40-50 box step ups with 1 db *time cap.18'min. 

WOD 14/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 75 cal.row 75 alt.devil press (20/10kg db) *time cap.15'min. 

WOD 13/07/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 10-20-30-40-50  barbell thrusters (20/15kg bar) 10-10-10-10-10 burpees to touch 10-10-10-10-10 toes to bar *Ladies : 12 cal. Row instead *time cap.18'min.

WOD 12/07/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD "CARDIO WEDNESDAY" 10 Deadlift 20 Cal.of choice 10 Deadlift 30 Pull ups 20 Cal.of choice 10 Deadlift 400m Run 30 Pull ups 20 Cal.of choice 10 Deadlift 50 db Floor press 400m Run 20 Cal.of choice 10 Deadlift 60 Sit ups 50 db Floor press 400m Run 30 Pull ups 20 Cal.of choice 10 Deadlift

WOD 11/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 30 Hang power clean (40/25) 30 double unders 30 push ups 30 double unders 30 box jumps 30 double unders 30 Hang power clean (50/30)  30 double unders 30 box jumps 30 double unders 30 push ups 30 double unders 30 Hang power clean (60/35)

WOD 10/07/23

 FITNESS + INTRO  WOD Every 3min. x 6 Rounds: 10 cal.row 10 american swings 10 wall ball 10 toes to bar / sit ups *add 1 rep each round to each movement. So,round 2 would be 11 of everything..  then,12... and so on..

WOD 07/07/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 100 Double unders 5 Rounds: 15 american kb swings (24/16kg) 15 push ups 100 Double unders 5 Rounds: 15 american kb swings (24/16kg) 15 push ups *time cap. 15'min.

WOD 06/07/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 30 Rounds For Time: 1 barbell thruster (40/30kg) 3 lateral barbell burpees 5 toes to bar/ab mat sit ups *time cap.18'min.

WOD 05/07/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD "CARDIO WEDNESDAY" Every 7min. x 5 Rounds: 500m Row 150 single unders 5 deadlifts (climbing) *Start with a deadlift weight of around 50%-60% of your 1 Rep Max and then build each round

WOD 04/07/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 4: 25/20 cal. assault bike 20 double db hang cleans -rem.time MAX db push press REST 2'min. AMRAP 4: 25 db push press 20/15 cal.assault bike -rem.time MAX double db hang clean REST 2'min. AMRAP 4: 25 double db hang clean 20 db push press  -rem.time MAX cal.assault bike *SCORE is all your total max reps combined

WOD 03/07/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 12'min. ascending Ladder.. 3 wall ball 3 power snatches 3 box jumps 6 wall ball 6 power snatches 6 box jumps ....then,9 of everything ....then,12 of everything ....continually increasing by 3 reps for as many reps as possible! 

WOD 30/06/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 cal.assault bike pull ups american swings push jerk *time cap.15'min.