
WOD 01/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD A.24'min. Total EMOM 4: odd: 15/12 cal.Row even: 50 double unders EMOM 4: odd: 3 Hang Power Clean + 3 Push Press even: 18 wall balls EMOM 4: odd: 15/12 cal.Row even: 50 double unders EMOM 4: odd: 2 Hang Power Clean + 4 Push Press even: 18 wall balls EMOM 4: odd: 15/12 cal.Row even: 50 double unders EMOM 4: odd: 1 Hang Power Clean + 5 Push Press even: 18 wall balls NO REST between sections above *SCORE is the final push press weight B.At the 28'min.mark... 5 Rounds: 20"sec.of Max HSPU 10"sec.REST 20"sec.of Max ring row 10"sec.REST 20"sec.of Max push ups 10"sec.REST *Sub.for HSPU: L-sit DB Press

WOD 30/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD A. 3 Total sets: 0'-2'min.: 30/20 cal.Assault Bike 2'-4'min.: 5 Front squats (75%-80%) 4'-6'min.: Max Reps weighted DB sit ups 6'-8'min.: 5 Deadlifts (75%-80%) B.At the 29'min. AMRAP 6: 6 burpees over line 9 american kb swings

WOD 29/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 0'-4'min. 500m Row 10 bench press (heavy) rem.time MAX pull ups 5'-6'min.  REST 6'-10'min. 500m Row 8 bench press (little heavier) rem.time MAX pull ups 10'-11'min.  REST 11'-15'min. 500m Row 6  bench press (little heavier) rem.time MAX pull ups 15'-16'min. REST 16'-20'min. 500m Row 4 bench press (little heavier) rem.time MAX pull ups B.At the 25'min.mark.. 1'min.of Max renegade rows 1'min.of Max push ups holding DBs 1'min.of Max DBs bicep curls 1'min.of Max DBs skull crushers 1'min.of REST 1'min.of Max DBs skull crushers 1'min.of Max DBs bicep curls 1'min.of Max push ups holding DBs 1'min.of Max renegade rows

WOD 28/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD A. "Death by.." Every 2'min. until you can no longer finish... 12/9 calorie assault bike 1 Ground to Overhead Rnd 2: 2  Ground to Overhead Rnd 3: 3  Ground to Overhead Rnd 4: 4  Ground to Overhead Rnd 5: 5  Ground to Overhead .....and do on...... *clock stops at 20'min. SCORE is the round you finished! B.At the 25'min.mark, complete the workout below... 15 Rounds For Time: 1 double db hang power clean 2 double db snatches 3 double db push press 4 burpees *time cap.20'min.

WOD 27/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD STRENGTH & CONDITIONING A.4 sets: 0'-2'min.: 5-6 back lunges on each leg 2'-4'min.: 35/28 cal.Row 4'-6'min.: 25-30 abmat sit ups *soon as the clock hits 6'min.you start back athe top (24'min. total) B.At the 28'min.mark,complete... AMRAP 8min.: 8 goblet squat 12 toes to bar OR V-ups *target rounds:8 +

WOD 24/11/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 18'min. Running clock... Run 600m Row 200m Run 400m Row 400m  Run 200m Row 600m -in remaining time,find your 1 REP MAX Hang Clean (squat or power) ACCESSORY WORK  3 x 12-15 lateral db raises -rest 60"-90"sec.b/w sets- 3 x 12-15 plate front raises -rest 60"-90"sec.b/w sets-

WOD 23/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO WOD FOR TIME: 3 Rounds: 25 wall ball 20 sit ups -immediately into... 3 Rounds: 20 single alt.db snatches 15 toes to bar (OR V-ups) -immediately into... 3 Rounds: 15 air squat 10 burpees to target

WOD 22/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD Every 60"sec. until you finish 150 kb swings min.1) 5 pull ups 10 push ups 20 double unders( OR 40 single unders) min.2) MAX REPS american kb swings *time cap.18'min.

WOD 21/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD STRENGTH & CONDITIONING EMOM 5: 12/9 cal.Row EMOM 10: 2 power clean & jerk (climbing) EMOM 5: 12/9 cal.Row EMOM 10: 3 Deadlifts (climbing) -NO REST between sections- ACCESSORY WORK 3 x 10-12 weighted bench dips -rest 60"-90" sec.b/w sets- 3 x MAX banded tricep puh downs -rest 60"-90"' sec.b/w sets-

WOD 20/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 10 Rounds For Time: 10 double db  hang power clean 10 abmat-sit ups / toes to bar ACCESSORY WORK 3 sets of 30"-60" side plank -rest 60"sec.btw sets-

WOD 17/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: Every 2'min.until you reach 100 burpees 0'-2'min. 10 cal.assault bike 5 double db push press MAX burpees 2'-4'min. 10 cal.assault bike 5 double db snatches MAX burpees -Ladies complete 7 calories *time cap.18'min. ACCESSORY WORK 100 Seated knee tucks *time cap.5'min.

WOD 16/11/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 5 Rounds x AMRAP 3 each: 3 Power Cleans 6 Push ups 9 Air squats -rest 1'min. b/t rounds-  *target rounds: 25+

WOD 15/11/23

FITNESS + INRO  WOD 7 Rounds For Time: 7 shoulder to overhead 7 cal.bike 7 pull ups 7 power cleans 

WOD 14/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 7 Rounds For Time: 7 shoulder to OH 7 Calorie bike 7 pull ups 7 power clean

WOD 13/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 21-15-9 burpee pull up 42-30-18 wall balls *time cap.12'min.

WOD 10/11/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD  FOR TIME: 30 cal.row 20 american kb swings 10 box jumps 20 american kb swings 30 cal.row *time cap. 9'min. ACCESSORY WORK FOR QUALITY: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 strict chin ups (underhand grip) (OR double reps ring row) strict handstand push ups (OR seated dumbbell Z press)

WOD 09/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 20: 5 power cleans 10 wall balls 200m run

WOD 08/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 3: 10 alternate DB snatches 10 push ups -rest 1'min.- Repeat for total 5 Rounds *Rnd 1: As written above Rnd 2: 10 cal.assault bike + 30 double unders Rnd 3: As written above Rnd 4: 10 cal.assault bike + 30 double unders Rnd 5: As written above 

WOD 07/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR QUALITY: 4'min.of single db bicep curls 4'min.of banded pull-aparts 4'min.of banded tricep extensions *NO REST between sections. Shoot for weight on these that will get you about 50 reps on each section

WOD 06/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 400m Row 40 air squat 40 swings 300m Row 30 air squat 30 swings 200m Row 20 air squat 20 swings 100m Row 10 air squat 10 swings

WOD 03/11/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD   Every 2'min. x 10 Rounds: 200m Run 7 hang power cleans *score is your lowest round

WOD 02/11/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD   AMRAP - Reps 3 Rounds: 1'min.of alt.db snatches 1'min.of wall balls 1'min.of rowing for calories 1'min.REST ACCESSORY WORK 1.Barbell bicep curls 3 x 10-12 reps -rest 60"-90" sec.- 2.Banded tricep push-downs 3 sets to failure -rest 60"-90" sec.-

WOD 01/11/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP - Reps 3'min.of Double unders 3'min.of pull ups/ring row 1'min.of cal.assault bike -3'min. REST- 2'min.of Double unders 2'min.of pull ups/ring row 1'min.of cal.assault bike -2'min.REST- 1'min.of Double unders 1'min.of pull ups/ring row 1'min.of cal.assault bike *every section is for MAX reps

WOD 31/10/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 15: 1 Deadlift 3 burpee over the bar 5 toes to bar (OR V-ups) ACCESSORY WORK 3 sets oe weighted planks 1'min.hold / 1'min. rest