
wod 30/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD Buy in, 100 wall ball then, EMOM 10: even min. 12/9 cals.bike odd min. 3 wall climb

WOD 29/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD Every 3rd min. x 5 set: 10 front rack double dbs box step ups 40 DU/80 Singles 10 double db hang  box step ups -rest 1'min.- MAX unbroken step ups (front rack/hang)

WOD 28/11/22

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 45 High hang snatch + OHS then, 12-9-6 reps of: Front squat Burpee-pull ups

WOD 25/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO TEAM WOD AMRAP 15: Alternate Rounds/Partners of: 15 double kb deadlifts 10 american swings 5m front rack lunges

WOD 24/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD TEAM ENGINE 4 set of: #P1  500m/400m Row as #P2 max reps burpees (and switch) -rest btw sets 1'min.-

WOD 23/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD Buy in, 54/45 cals. air bike  then,  5 rounds of: 18 wall balls 3 wall climb

WOD 22/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 10: 1-2-3-4... Man Maker *30 DU/60 Singles btw rnds

WOD 21/11/22

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME:  21-15-9 high hang snatch (db) ring row (feet on box) 10/10 singlr arm front rack squat then,12-9-6 pull up front rack squat (double db)

WOD 18/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 3 Rounds of: 5/5 single db overhead squat 10 double db weighted step over directly into, 30-20-10 single arm db squat snatch (switch as you want) box jump over (time cap.14')

WOD 17/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD "ENGINE" Every 4th min. x 4 set: 20 burpees 500/400m Row (time cap.3' min.) -rest 3' min.- then, 2 sets of: 1000/800m Row -rest 2' min. btw sets-

WOD 16/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 10: 2,4,6,8.... push ups 2,4,6,8.... cals.Row 10 wall ball

WOD 15/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 6 set x 1'30" 40 DU / 100 singles (or 45"sec.mixed single-double) -rem.time MAX REPS devil press

WOD 14/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 21-15-9 reps front squat pull ups

WOD 11/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  TEAM WOD FOR TIME: 21-15-9 reps of push ups single arm alt.db snatches #p1 perform / #p2 OHS hold -rest 3'min.- 21-15-9 reps of OHS #p1 perform / #p2 plank hold

WOD 10/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 9: 12 box jump 9 V ups *every 1:30" 12 swings

WOD 09/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 800m Row 400single unders/140 DU 800m Row -rest 3'min.- 200 single unders/70 DU 1600m Row 200 single unders/70 DU

WOD 08/11/22

  FITNESS + INTYRO  WOD 7 Rounds for time: 14 cals.Row 7 Jerk

WOD 07/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 100 Single unders 30-20-10 push ups 30-20-10 push press 3-2-1 wall walk

WOD 04/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  TEAM  WOD AMRAP 5: 5 Power clean each (I go you go) 15 synchro air squat -rest 1'min.- AMRAP 5: 3 Power clean (heavier) each (I go ypu go) 15 synchro push ups -rest 1'min.- AMRAP 5: 1 Power clean (heaviest) each (I go you go) 10 synchro burpees over bar 

WOD 3/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 8 set x 2'30" 4 strict pull ups 30" hollow hold 20 alt step ups 10 reverse lunges

WOD 02/11/22

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD ENGINE 1200m Run -rest 2' min.- 8 rounds of: 350m/300m Row Fast 150m/100m Row Easy

WOD 01/11/22

  FITNESS = INTRO  WOD FOR QUALITY: 30 clean & jerk *1 burpee between reps