
WOD 28/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 3 Rounds: 21 cal.Row 15 pull ups 9 Thrusters *time cap. 12'min.

WOD 27/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 4 Rounds For Max Reps: 1'min.of Assault bike calories 1'min.of Dumbbell box step ups 1'min.of Toes To Bar 1'min. REST

WOD 26/12/23


WOD 25/12/23


WOD 22/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 30/20 Cal. Assault Bike 30 Push ups 30 Double unders 20/15 Cal. Assault Bike 20 Push ups 20 Double unders 10/7 Cal. Assault Bike 10 Push ups 10 Double unders

WOD 21/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 6: 1 DB Thruster 2 Abmat sit ups 3 DB Thruster 4 Abmat sit ups 5 DB Thruster 6 Abmat sit ups 7 DB Thruster 8 Abmat sit ups ...keep adding 1 rep -REST 3'min- AMRAP 6: 1 Double DB Snatch 2 Burpees 3 Double DB Snatch 4 Burpees 5 Double DB Snatch 6 Burpees 7 Double DB Snatch 8 Burpees ...keep adding 1 rep

WOD 20/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD "STRENGTH & CONDITIONING"  0'-5'min. Row 1000m 5'-15'min. Build to a HEAVY 1 RM Squat Clean 15'-20'min. Ski 1000m 20'-30'min. Build to a HEAVY 2 Reps Front Squat 30'-35'min. Bike 2000m

WOD 19/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 3 Rounds For Time: 30 wall balls 30 bax jumps 30 barbell push press

WOD 18/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 2 sets: AMRAP 3: 8 barbell hang cleans 8 barbell front squats -rest 1'min.- AMRAP 3: 8/6 Cal.assault bike 8 burppes to target -rest 1'min.-

WOD 15/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD Complete 250 reps in any rep sheme or order you like using only these 3 movements: Assault bike Pull ups Wall balls -minimum 50 reps of each movement . *time cap.18'min.

WOD 14/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 4 Rounds: 1'min. Overhead Squat 1'min. American kb Swings 1'min. Box Jumps 1'min. REST

WOD 13/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD "CARDIO WEDNESDAY" 0'-8' min. 3 Rounds: 250m/200m Row 10 burpees over rower 8'-16' min. 3 Rounds: 200m Run 10 barbell thrusters 16'-24' min. 3 Rounds: 250m/200m Row 10 burpees over rower 24'-32' min. 3 Rounds: 200m Run 10 barbell thrusters 32'-40' min. MAX reps Sit ups

WOD 12/12/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 2 sets: AMRAP 2: 15/12 Cal.Assault bike -rem.time MAX Double unders  -Rest 1'min.- AMRAP 2: 15/12 Cal.Row -rem.time MAX alt.db snatches -Rest 1'min.-

WOD 11/12/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 2 sets: 5 Rounds: 5 double DB Hang Power Clean 5 toes to bar (OR 10 sit ups) Immediately into... 5 Rounds: 8 push ups (on dumbbells) 6 DB lunges *time cap.15'min. 

WOD 08/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD STRENGTH & CONDITIONING 5 Rounds (35'min.Total) 40"sec.Rowing / 20"sec.Rest 40"sec.DB Bench Press / 20"sec.Rest 40"sec.DB Sit-ups / 20"sec.Rest 40"sec.Assault bike / 20"sec.Rest 40"sec.DB Deadlifts / 20"sec.Rest 40"sec.Box Jumps / 20"sec.Rest 40"sec.DB Push Press / 20"sec.Rest

WOD 07/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 50 Hang Power Clean *every time you break,complete 7 wall balls 50 Front Squats *every time you break,complete 7 american kb swings 50 Wall Balls *every time you break,complete 5 Hang Power Cleans 50 American kb swings *every time you break,complete 5 Front Squats

WOD 06/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 15: 5-10-15-20-25 Burpees 10-20-30-40-50 wall balls 20-40-60-80-100 single unders

WOD 05/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD STRENGTH & CONDITIONING 0'-8'min. 1 Mile Run 8'-16'min. Find your 3 Rep Max Deadlift 16'-24'min. Bike 90/60 calories 24'-32'min. Find your 3 Rep Max Bench Press 4 Part section here with 4 separate scores! 

WOD 04/12/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD STRENGTH & CONDITIONING A.EMOM 10: Odd: 3 Power clean (climbing in weight) Even: 15/12 cal.Row (every other round do 25 sit ups) -Immediately into... EMOM 10: Odd: 3 Back squats (climbing in weight) Even: 15/12 cal.Row (every other round do 25 sit ups) B.At the 25min. For Time: 10 db snatch (right) 10 db snatch (left) 10 db goblet squats 9 db snatch (right) 9 db snatch (left) 9 db goblet squats ...8,8,8....7,7,7....all the way to 1,1,1