
WOD 28/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 20: 50 single unders 10 american swings 10 HR push ups

WOD 27/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD        R E S T       D A Y

WOD 24/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 3' x 5 Rounds: 250/225m row 15 db thrusters -rem.time MAX REPS push ups *rest 1'min.btw amraps-

WOD 23/02/23

  FOR TIME: 10-20-30-40-50  american kb swings 15 burpees *time cap 15'min.

WOD 22/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 3 Rounds: 300m run 30 wall ball into 2 Rounds: 300m run 30 db db box dtep ups into  1 Round: 300m run  50ab sit ups

WOD 21/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 10 RFT: 7 push jerk 7 pull ups/15 ring row 30 single unders *time cap 15'min.

WOD 20/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD -23.1-   AMRAP 14: 60 cals Row 50 t2b/sit ups 40 wall balls 30 power cleans 20 ring muscle ups/burpee pull ups

WOD 17/02/23

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD   FOR TIME: 50-40-30-20-10 single arm db hang clean & jerk 15-12-9-6-3  pull ups  OR 25-20-15-10-5 ring row

WOD 16/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 5 RFT: 12/9 cal.Row 12 burpees over Row 12 db front squats

WOD 15/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD CARDIO Every 6:00 min. x 5 rounds: 2:00 min. MAX Cal.air bike 400m run *time cap.for each rnd 5:00 min. CORE 8 rounds: 20"sec.hollow hold 10"sec.REST

WOD 14/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 5 Rnds For Time: 20 box jump over 15 am.swings 10 shoulder to overhead

WOD 13/02/23

  FITNESS + ITRO  WOD Every 7'min. x 5 Rnds: 1000/900m Row 15 sit ups 5 hang power clean R1:5 hang power clean R2:4 hang power clean R3:3 hang power clean R4:2hang power clean R5:1 hang power clean *build to a heavy sigle

WOD 10/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 15: 3-6-9-12-15...etc HR push ups hang power snatch kip.pull up/ring row

WOD 09/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 3 Rounds for time: 80 single unders 40 wall ball . 20 deadlift (60/35)

WOD 08/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 50 burpees over row 2km row  50 burpees to touch CORE For Time: 50 bodyweight sit ups 50 side plank dips (25/side) 50 bodyweight sit ups 50 side plank dips (25/side)

WOD 07/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 21-15-9  DBs deadlift DBs push press *50 single unders after every rnd -rest 3'min.- 21-15-9 DBs power clean (HR) push ups *50 single unders after every rnd

WOD 06/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD EMOM 20: 1)15 ring row 2)3 hang power clean + 3 front rack lunges 3)MAX REPS burpee box jumps 4)REST

WOD 03/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  TEAM WOD AMRAP 20: 4 wall walks 40 db snatches 80 wall ball *swich whenever you want

WOD 02/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD CARDIO smash 0-8 min... 3 Rounds : 250m row 75 single unders 8-16min... 3 Rounds: 20 hang power snatches 40 air squats 16-24min... 3 Rounds: 250m row 75 single unders 24-32min... 3Rounds: 20 hand power clean  20 box jumps 32-37min... MAX REPS american swings

WOD 01/02/23

  FITNESS + INTRO  TEAM WOD   (OF3) 5 Rounds for time: 5 front squats  10 sit ups 15/12 cal/air bike *waterfall on the bike Round 1: 40/15 Round 2: 45/20 Round 3: 50/25 Round 4: 55/30 Round 5: 60/35