
WOD 26/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: "Buy in" 50 cal.assault Bike immediately into, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Double DB hang power clean Burpees over dumbbell *time cap.15'min.

WOD 25/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 15: 3 double DB devil press 6 sumo deadlift high pull 12 toes to bar 30 double unders

WOD 24/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD CONDITIONING For Time: 1000m Run 27 wall balls 1000m Row 27 deficit push ups 800m Run 21 wall balls 800m Row 21 deficit push ups 600m Run 15 wall balls 600m Row 15 deficit push ups 400m Run 9 wall balls 400m Row 9 deficit push ups

WOD 23/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 100 cal.of choice 75 dumbbell push press 50 pull ups *you may complete this as written or break it up however you like

WOD 22/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD "DT" 5 Rounds For Time: 12 deadlifts 9 hang power cleans 6 push jerk

WOD 19/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 15: 20 cal.Row 15 dumbbell Deadlift 10 dumbbell box step ups

WOD 18/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  dual dumbbell devil press *30 Double unders OR 60 Singles after each set

WOD 17/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD CONDITIONING AMRAP 40: 400m run 21 kb russian swings 12 toes to bar OR 24 sit ups 500m row/ski 21 wall balls 12 pull ups OR 24 ring row

WOD 16/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: 100 dumbbell bench press *every time you break,perform 12/9 cal.assault Bike

WOD 15/04/24

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD   AMRAP 15: 300m Row 12 barbell Overhead Squat 6 Burpees box jumps

WOD 12/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD FOR TIME: Buy in,1000m Row then,5 Rounds: 4 barbell power clean 8 front squat 12 toes to bar Buy out,1000m Row

WOD 11/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 4 Rounds: min.1: MAX kipping pull ups min.2: MAX dual DB push press min.3: MAX calories assault bike min.4: REST

WOD 10/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD CONDITIONING For Time: 100 cal.of choice 1000m Run 30 burpees over the dumbbell 40 alt.dumbbell hang snatch 75 cal.of choice 800m Run 20 burpees over the dumbbell 30 alt.dumbbell hang snatch 50 cal.of choice 600m Run 10 burpees over the dumbbell 20 alt.dumbbell hang snatch

WOD 09/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD EMOM 6: 5 barbell bench press 15/12 cal. Row/Ski -rest 3'min.- EMOM 6: 4 barbell bench press 15/12 cal. Row/Ski -rest 3'min.- EMOM 6: 3 barbell bench press 15/12 cal. Row/Ski

WOD 08/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 5 Rounds For Time: 15/12 cal.assault bike 12 toes to bar (or 24 sit ups) 9 barbell thrusters

WOD 05/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD 3 Rounds (12'min.total) 3:00 min. ON / 1:00 min. OFF 20/16 cal. Row 15 barbell Overhead squats -remaimng time MAX wall balls

WOD 04/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD A)UPPER BODY:  Vertical push / pull 3 Superset: 8 seated dumbbell shoulder press (5"sec. down) 4-6 pronated pull ups (banded assisted or weighted) -rest 2'min. b/w sets- B)UPPER BODY: Push-Pull accessory 3 Superset: 12 dumbbell incline chest flies 15 dumbbell chest supported reverse flies -rest 90"sec. after each superset- C)"ARMS FARM" 3 Superset: 10 high incline bench supinated dumbbell curls 12 flat bench dumbbell skull crushers 15 seated dumbbell lateral raises -rest 90"sec. after each superset-

WOD 03/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD CONDITIONING TEAM of 2 AMRAP 40: 1000m Run (together) 800m Row (split) 600m Ski (split) 100m kb Farmers Carry (split) 800m Run (together) 600m Row (split) 400m Ski (split) 100m kb Farmers Carry (split) 600m Run (together) 400m Row (split) 200m Ski (split) 100m kb Farmers Carry (split)

WOD 02/04/24

FITNESS + INTRO  WOD   AMRAP 12: 15 calories ski or row 15 deficit push ups 15 ab-mat sit ups

WOD 01/04/24

  FITNESS + INTRO  WOD AMRAP 10: Ascending ladder 3-6-9-12-15 etc... calories assault Bike wall balls russian kb swings