WOD 26/11/21
FITNESS TEAM WOD (In teams of 2)
AMRAP 4: 1 Power clean, 1 Front squat,
1 Push press, 1 OHS (alternate)
AMRAP 3: Max reps wall ball (one athlete work at a time)
AMRAP 3: Max reps db snatch (one athlete work at a time)
AMRAP 2: Max reps Burpees (one athlete work at a time)
- REST 1' -
FOR TIME: 50 cal. Row (one athlete work at a time)
INTRO TEAM WOD (In teams of 2)
FOR TIME: Buy in 1000m Row (switch every 250m)
then, 40- 30- 20- 10 T2b/K2c, db deadlifts, burpees, db thrusters.
( ✱ one athlete work at a time )