WOD 22/10/21
FITNESS TEAM WOD (In teams of 2)
FOR TIME: 10 alt. rnds of:
3 Power clean, 3 front squat, 3 jerk
→ one athlete work at a time.
then, 10 alt. rnds of:
6 TTR, 6 burpees
INTRO TEAM WOD (In teams of 2)
FOR TIME: As #P1 Run for max meters. #P2 → 80 Swings (Switch 40 Swings)
#P1 Run for max meters. #P2 → 80 Sit ups (Switch 40 Swings)
#P1 Run for max meters. #P2 → 80 burpees (Switch 40 Swings)
#P1 Run for max meters. #P2 → 80 one kb thrusters